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Water: naiads (nympths of watercourses), Poseidon, Eurynome (sea nymph), Cocytus (river of wailing), Clymene (sea nymph), Galateia (a nereid (sea nymph), Metis (an Oceanid, sea nymph), Thetis (a nereid, sea nymph), Proteus ( a sea god), Pontos (embodyment of the sea), Scylla and Charybdis (pair of female sea monsters), Amphrittrite (sea nymph, wife of Poseiden)


Ground: Pan (woodland deity), Demeter (goddess of harvest/fruits/spring and grain.), Eurydice (dryad - tree nymph), Gaia (the earth, 


Air: Aither (the bright upper air, elemental deity), Eos (the goddess of the dawn), Aeolus (the keeper of the winds), Calais and Zetes (winged heroes), 


Fire: Hephaistos (forge and fire), Helios (sun god), 

Greek mythology also seems to predominantly feature human-looking gods with elemental powers, rather than creatures that embody their elements. I think looking at creating a mother/earth figure based on the dryad/tree nymph Eurydice would be interesting. I think to keep her from looking too human, I would add subtle tree-like textural elements. I will research further into dryads and nymphs to see how they have been done before and how I can create an original take on them. 


This design could be influenced a lot by my previous research into the tree characters from Face Off.


However, as I am working on a film creating Cernunnos (a Celtic horned fertility god similar to Pan) I will not be creating this design, as I will already be creating an earth-type deity. 


Couch M. 1997 Greek and Roman Mythology Twickenham: Tiger Books International ltd.

Below are some images of Greek deities in art that could influence my design process for this character.

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