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Geisha Designs


Design 1 - Vintage Geisha



This design is influenced by the images I found of 18th century geisha. The hair has 2 short cut sections at the front that hang around the eyes. The back ponytail area stick out quite a lot, and isn't in a peachy bun, like modern geisha, but more of a folded ponytail. The quiff at the front is the same. The makeup is a lot less white, with very simple black liner on the upper lash line and waterline with a little masara. The brows will be kept very natural, just shaped with a brow pencil. The blush is applied quite heavily in a peachy shade, right on the centre of the cheeks in a circular shape. The lips are full and dark red, slightly underdrawn to look long and thin, like japanese lips.


I noticed that all the geisha seem to have very small foreheads, so i will have to knot foreward quite far when re-fronting the wig.


The three lines down the back of the neck will also be done with a stencil so I know they're perfectly even. I will do the 3 lines for whichever design I decide to do, as they symbolise am inportant ceremoney, rather than 2 lines which are for everyday purpose.


Design 2 - Modern Geisha


This is my modern geisha look, inspired by the images below. I've decided to do this design out of the two, as it look s more dramatic and the geisha looks more eccentric and impactful. This is going to be heavy white makeup, covering the whole face, neck and shoulders (except for the back markings and ears) down to where the kimono begins. The brows will be drawn over in dark red eyeshadow. Not covered beforehand, as geisha draw over their natural brows. The lips will be bright red and shiny but definately not too glossy. I will probably use a red lipstick, or stain. The lips will look small, but very plump and rounded. The eyeshadow will match the lipstick and will be applied in the outer corner of the eyelid, blended along the lid and uder the eye very slightly. She will also have black liner lining the upper lash liner and waterline, with a little mascara. 


The hair will be styled in the traditional taka kimada style, with the hair accessories I've bought. If I can't achieve the shape and volume with products or wax, then I will backcomb it and use hair pads.


I have chosen to do this design as I think it will be more impactful than the other. Also, as I am filming for a modern interpretation look, I want the geisha to look more beautiful, which I think the second look is. 

Product List:


Mastix, hair pins, wig cap, tailcomb, hairbrush, sponges, rimmel matte primer, shiseido white foundation, e/s palette, lip palette, OCC red lip stain, rimmel black liquid liner, black pencil liner, kryolan setting powder, Vo5 hair wax, hairspray, makeup wipes, proclean, brushes, q-tips


These are the hair accessories i've bought to add to my geisha wig. I didn't want anything floral or too dangly, as I wanted to avoid making her look like a maiko. However I did want some sophisticated geisha accessories so she'd look decorated and embellished. I plan to put the hair comb behind the hair quiff, where it meets the main bun area. I think I will then add one of the hair sticks to the back if the hair, under the bun and then maybe the other near the hair comb.


I chose a long, black, straight cheap wig. I thought about buying one that was vaguely pre-styled to help maintain the shape, but the postage arrived too late and they were more expensive. Most also weren't accurate and looked very tacky.  This way I can also style the wig exactly how I want. I think the length will also allow me more styling opportunities, as I can cut if its too long. I bought 2 of these wig so I can cut up the second to use the hair to knot the ace-front.


The total cost have spent on my Geisha wig is £27.76, as uni will supply the fronting lace.


Unfortunately costume had no kind of shoes that would be appropriate, so we will just try and keep her feet out of shot when filming.

Wig and Accessories

I am aiming to re-create the Taka Shiada style as closely as possible for my modern geisha hairstlye. The ichôgaeshi style is a very slight varient on the Taka Shimada style, the bun at the back being the only change. I may have to alter my design slightly, depending on what the wig allows. I will try and create the ichôgaeshi style or the Taka Shimada style as closely as possible. I will also have to see what the wig will allow with regards to my models head and face shape.

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