Dance Context
After my tutor putforth the idea of creating some kind of expressive dance video, as apposed to a discussion, between my two characters, I decided to research the posssibilities.
SiaVEVO (2015) Sia - Elastic Heart feat. Shia LaBeouf & Maddie Ziegler (Official Video) Available from: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=KWZGAExj-es [Accessed: March 10th 2015]
SiaVEVO (2014) Sia - Chandelier (Ofiicial Video) Avialable from:https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=2vjPBrBU-TM&spfreload=10 [Accessed: March 11th 2015]

These two music videos are for songs by the artist Sia and feature only expressive dance, choreographed by Ryan Heffington.
Chandelier features solo dancer Maddie Ziegler wearing a nude leotard and and a blunt cut blonde wig. There is no lip-synching, only very expressive dance moves and some key facial expressions and acting.
Elastic Heart features Maddie again, but also includes Shia Le Bouf. It has been suggested that the song and dance represents the relationship between a father and daughter and this dance is encapsulated by the prop of the cage.
There are points were Maddie leaves the cage and then comes back to him and presses his face causing him to change facial expressions each time, all symbolic of a father/daughter realtionship.
I think Elastic Heart applies to my concept more, as I currently plan on creating two looks and I like the idea of interation between the two characters,
P!nkVEVO (2012) P!nk - Try Available from:https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=yTCDVfMz15M&spfreload=10 [Accessed: March 11th 2015]

P!nk's music video for try is also predominantly dance based with a male partner. There are a few clips where it's her singing, but the majority is expressive dance, and there are some really great interacting moves which clearly express emotions of love, hate and longing.
Obviously I have to think about the prosthetics involved for a piece like this, but I think something in a similar vane would work really effectivley.
Another feature of this video was the use of coloured powders and paint as marks on eachother. As the video progressed, each became more covered in paint, and when they pushed eachother they would sometimes leave a hand print of paint.
I think utilising the powders could give my piece a mystical and effective feel; maybe if I used white powder for the protagonist and black for the antagonist.......
Using paint would be too messy and too modern for a deity themed piece, as well as too messy; I don't want to distract from the details of the makeup.
This 30 Seconds to Mars video has a really similar aestehtic to the one i'd like to create. I love the contrast of the bright colours against the dark surroundings, creating a high energy feeling. Also the was the shots are slowed down and sped up with the throwing of the powder creates a really modern, disjointed feel which I think could show the energy and passion of the movements really well.
The Holi Festival
"Origins of Holi
Find this year's date in the multifaith calendar
Holi was originally a spring festival of fertility and harvest. Now it also marks some Hindu legends, which provide some of the ingredients for the celebrations.
Holi is an ancient festival which is referred to in the 7th century Sanskrit drama, Ratnaval.
Witness the beauty of the great cupid festival which excites curiosity as the townsfolk are dancing at the touch of brownish water thrown from squirt-guns.
They are seized by pretty women while all along the roads the air is filled with singing and drum-beating.
Everything is coloured yellowish red and rendered dusty by the heaps of scented powder blown all over.
Ratnaval, 7th century drama
The Legend of Prahalad and Holika
This is the main Holi legend. Holika was a female demon, and the sister of Hiranyakashyap, the demon king. Hiranyakashyap considered himself ruler of the Universe, and higher than all the gods.
Prahalad was the king's son. His father hated him because Prahalad was a faithful devotee of the god Vishnu.
One day the king asked him "Who is the greatest, God or I?"
"God is," said the son, "you are only a king."
The king was furious and decided to murder his son.
But the king's attempts at murder didn't work too well. Prahalad survived being thrown over a cliff, being trampled by elephants, bitten by snakes, and attacked by soldiers.
So the king asked his sister, Holika, to kill the boy.
Holika seized Prahalad and sat in the middle of a fire with the boy on her lap.
Holika had been given a magic power by the gods that made her immune to fire, so she thought this was a pretty good plan, and Prahalad would burn to death while she remained cool.
But it's never wise to take gods' gifts for GRANTED
! Because Holika was using her gift to do something evil, her power vanished and she was burned to ashes. Prahalad stayed true to his God, Vishnu, and sat praying in the lap of his demon aunt. Vishnu protected him, and Prahalad survived.
Shortly afterwards, Vishnu killed King Hiranyakashyap and Prahad ruled as a wise king in his father's place.
The moral of the story is that good always WINS
over evil, and those who seek to torment the faithful will be destroyed.
To celebrate the story, large bonfires are burned during Holi. In many parts of India, a dummy of Holika is burned on the fire.
The festival of colours
A colourful celebration
Holi is the Hindu festival that welcomes the Spring and celebrates the new life and energy of the season. Although Holi has religious roots, not much religious activity is involved in its celebration.
A child enjoys Holi ©
Holi is the most energetic Indian festival, filled with fun and good humour; even the strict rules of separation between castes are abandoned.
Holi is also called 'The Festival of Colours', and people celebrate the festival by smearing each other with paint, and throwing coloured powder and dye around in an atmosphere of great good humour.
Holi is seen by some as the Hindu festival that is nearest in spirit to St. Valentine's Day.
Holi in Brief
A spring festival, usually celebrated in March
Holi also celebrates Krishna, and the legend of Holika and Prahalad
Holi is particularly celebrated in North India
Although Holi has religious roots there are few religious things to do
Distinctions of caste, class, age, and gender are suspended during Holi
A very exuberant festival, with dancing, singing, and throwing of paint
Holi features gender rivalry, with CONTESTS between men and women, and public flirting
Bonfires are lit during Holi, and food offerings are roasted
The festival is officially celebrated on the day after full moon during the month of Phalunga, which falls in February-March
During the evening of the full moon, bonfires are lit in the streets.
These bonfires not only purify the air of evil spirits, but mark the story of Holika and Prahalad.
The next day, people of all ages go into the streets for jollifications and paint-throwing."
BBC (2009) Religions - Holi. Available from: http://www.bbc.co.uk/religion/religions/hinduism/holydays/holi_1.shtml [Accessed: March 11th 2015]
I don't want my creatures to be unrecogniseable from throwing paint, but I like the idea of throwing powder as a representation of emotions. I think utilising the powders could give my piece a mystical and effective feel; maybe if I used white powder for the protagonist and black for the antagonist. Obviously the connotation of Hindu religions would also be interesting, as I don't know yet if either of my characters will be inspired by Hindu deities yet. It may be something I need to consider if I incorporate this element into the video. I also hadn't considered any kind of props before watching Sia's music videos. Obviously I am limited by what I can do - I couldn't get a giant cage, but maybe something between the two, seperating them might be good.

30SecondsToMarsVEVO (2013) 30 Seconds to Mars - Up in The Air Available from:https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=y9uSyICrtow&spfreload=10 [Accessed: March 15th 2015]
Video Games
In gaming, mystical powders or colourful winds often represent the trasition of something, typically death. In Far Cry 4, when demons appear or die, they are shrouded in blue smoke. The game is based in Shangri La, which, when was written as being on the edge of the Kunlun Mountains in China, so the game has a lot of oriental influences.
Video Games Source 2014. Far Cry 4 - The Protector's Arrival: Shangri La: Bell Sequence (Kills Demons) Scorcher Fight PS4 [online] Available from: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=9iyj3FH6BQI [Accessed: <ay 10th 2015]
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I imagine this link into games may have something to do with the Japan's love of inscence, stemming from Shintoism. It is frequently burning in shrines.
Incence burning is also common in China for religious ancestral worship.
It may have been this mythical relationship with incence that triggered smoke to represent such a significant transition in games such as this.
silverlightsaber 2010 X-Men Origins: Nightcrawler Trailer. [online] Available from: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=U_QIa-wGcq8 [Accessed: May 10th 2015]
Characters that can move especially quickly often also give off some kind of trail, or smoke.
X-Men's Nightcrawler is a mutant who posses superhuman agility and the ability to transport. In the film X-Men Origins: Nightcrawler, when he demonstrates his abilities, he leaves behind transluscent vapours, which are similar to those in Far Cry 4. I like the idea of utilising this method as a way of showing movement, rther than just blindly throwing powders.
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