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Summative Assesment

For the most part, I'm pleased with how my assesment went. I think I improves upon the things I planned on and was advised upon;

- I painted the face fully and used more highlights and contrasts

- Improved upon the edges of my prosthetics.

However, although I altered the front of the bald cap to fit the face better, I ended up with wrinkles around the sides of the face and the back was really messy, which was really unfortunate. I'm not sure whether I rushed my application or didn't pull it taught enough, but that was a disappointment. 

I also found that when I applied the wig, the paint job around the hairline and lace altered slightly, resulting in it looking a different colour to the rest of the face. I think I should've tried applying more makeup over the lace to cover this. 

The wig still fitted and applied well and the curls fell in the right place and were the right length which was good. The back was slightly messy, but I pinned it out of the way, as only a couple of curls are visible for the portrait, which I made sure where curled the right way.

The brow wax worked in covering up all of the brows and I used sealer this time to give my prosthetics a better edge. The tip of the nose proved a problem both times and I think my mould caused too much silicone to come to the end of the piece and not enough cap plastic, meaning it was difficult to blend. 

I managed to trim the moustache down a little so it was a more accurate size, and I think it fit my model wll and was a good shape.


Unfortunately my photographer dropped out the day beofre the assesment. I managed to find someone else to take the photo, but I couldn't get a black screen for the background, so that will have to be remedied with editing.

This image on the left is the one I plan to edit, as it is in the most accurate angle, similar to the portrait, although I'd like the contrast to be more similar to the photo above.  

I didn't realise photoshopping the makeup into the portrait was an option, but I think the collar that my costume maker made is excellent. 

The things I plan on changeing in the editing are: the background, the lighting (darker on the right hand side), neatening up the hair, and maybe adding a slightly more 'painterly' style. 

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