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Face Casting my Model

As this was the first time i'd met my model in person, it was a good opportunity for me to study and photograph his features more in depth. While taking his bald cap template, I noticed that his hairline is actually very far back, but I doubt its as far back as the portraits. 

I was able to chip off the excess plaster quite easily with a metal sculpting tool.

Unfortunately my first face cast of my model didn't turn out perfectly. When I after I pulled out the positive plaster mould, I noticed the end of the nose was dented and lopsided. This must've been caused by me putting down the alginate cast when it hadn't quite set completely, and the nose must've be leant against a surface casuing it to deform. As I have planned to sculpt a nose, I will have to facecast my model again. I'd planned to sculpt the brows as flatpieces, but I now plan to sculpt them onto this face cast, applying scopas parting agent before doing so. This way, I can float them off in water and carry on sculpting them on a flat surface and then mould them as flat pieces. Being able to sculpt them on his face cast allows me to get a better gauge of size and how they will work on his brow area.

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