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Books, Magazines and DVDs:


Adair V and L. (1971) Eighteenth century pastel portraits. UK: John Gifford.


Baygen, L. (1984) Makeup for theatre, film and television - a step by step photographic guide. UK: A&C Black. 


Conway, J. (2004) Makeup Artistry for Professional Qualifications. Essex: Heinemann. pages 358 - 362


Corson. R, Norcross. B G, Glavan. J. 2010. Stage Makeup 10th Edition. Boston: Allyn and Bacon, p119


Corson, R. (2010) Stage Makeup 10th Edition. London: Ally and Bacon/Pearson.


Davis, G. Hall, M. (2012) The Makeup Artist Handbook. UK: Focal Press. 


Debrecini, T. (2013) Special Makeup Effects for Stage and Screen. England: Focal Press


Debrecini, T. (2009) Special Makeup Effects for Stage and Screen. UK: Elsevier Focal Press.


Debrecini, T. (2009) Special Effects Makeup. Oxford: Focal Press. Pages 115,116


Delamar, P (2003). The Complete Makeup Artist, 2nd Edition. London: Melody Dawes


Delamar, P. (2006) The Complete Makeup Artist: working in film, fashion, television and theatre. 2nd edition. UK: Thompson.


Frith, D, E. (1992) Mould Making for ceramics. UK: A&C Black.


Gelfrand, D, E. (2003) Aging and ethnicity: knowledge and services. UK: John Wiley and Sons ltd.


Hayes, J. The Portrait in British Art, (1992), London: National Portrait Gallery Publications p37 


Jones, R. Young, P. Bower, L. (2005) Makeup makeovers: expert secrets for stunning transformations. UK: Fair Winds Press


London. (1957) British Historical Portraits: A selection from the national portrait gallery. Cambridge University Press.


Lowery, A. (2013) Historical Wig Styling: Victorian to the present. UK: Focal Press.


Martin, T. Speed Sculpting in Wed Clay, 2011. USA


Millar, O. (2000) Corrected Dates for Two Van Dyke Portraits. The Burlington Magazine, Issue 1165


Musgrove, J. (2002) Makeup and Costume for Television. England: Focal Press. Page 171


Nazzaro, J. (2011) From Fly to Freud. Makeup Artist Magazine. Issue 90. Page 68.

Character Makeup, Sculpture Breakdown and Mould-Making Part 2, 2012. [DVD] Bruce Spaulding Fuller, USA: Stan Winston School.


Ririnio, J. Nguyen, L. (2010) Makeup is art: professional techniques for creating original looks. England: Carlton Books


Ruskai M and Lowery T (2010) Wig Making and Styling. England: Focal Press. pages 130 and 131.


Schneider, R. (1994) The Art of The Portrait. Koln: Benedikt Taschen Verlag 

The Masters, 25-36. Knowledge Publications. page 12.


Scott, J. (2010) The Royal Portrait: image and impact.


Singer, M. (2011) A Need-to-Know Silicone Technique. Makeup Artist Magazine. No. 88. January. page 78 and 79. 


Swinfield, R. (1999) Hair and Wigs for the Stage. UK: A&C Black


Timpone, A. (1996) Men, Makeup and Monsters: Hollywood’s masters of illusion and FX. England: St Martin’s Griffin


Tokyo SFX Makeup Workshop (2012) A Complete guide to special effects makeup. UK: Titan Books.


Vellas, B. Morely, J. Sinclair, A. (2012) A biological perspective of ageing. UK: John Wiley and Sons ltd


Walter, G. (1997) Stage Lighting step-by-step. London: Quatro Publiching plz, page 41.





Chaturporn Sornlampoo, Texture of Oil Colour. (2012) [Online Image] Available from: [Accessed: October 6th 2014]


Charles I. (2014) [online image] Available from: [Accessed: October 6th 2014]


 Sir Anthony Van Dyke, Charles I. [online image] Available from: [Accessed: October 6th 2014]


Philip III Spain (2013) [online image] Available from:–_1621)_-_Google_Art_Project.jpg [Accessed October 6th 2014] 


Philip IV Spain. (2014) [online image] Available from: [Accessed: October 6th 2014]


Caspar David Friedrich (1810) [online image] Available from: [Accessed: 12th October 2014]


Bearded Lady. (circa !900) [online image] Available from: [Accessed: October 3rd 2014]


Benjamin Disraeli by Sir John Everrett Millais. 1881, [online image] available from: [Accessed October 10th 2014]


The Devil's Double. (2011) [online image] Available from: [Accessed: 12th November 2014]


Helen Mirren. (2014) [online image] Available from: [Accesses: 25th October 2014]


Meryl Streep. (2014) [online image] Available from: [Accessed: October 25th 2014]


Beyonce. (2007) [online image] Available from: [Accessed: October 18th 2014]


Nicki Minaj Makeup. (2014) [online image] available from: [accessed: October 18th 2014]


Jenna Ushkowitz. (2014) [online image] available from: [Accessed: October 21st 2014]


Lucy Liu (2014) [online image] Available from: [Accessed: October 21st 2014]


Nicole Scherzinger. (2012) [online image] Available from: [Accessed: October 21st 2014]



Gimli, Lord of the Rings. (2002) [online image] available from: [accessed: October 15th 2014]


Alexa Meade. Transit. (2014) [online image] Available from: [Accessed: November 11th 2014]


Ron Mueck. Women with Shopping. (2014) [online image] Available from: [Accessed: November 11th 2014]


Kazuhiro Tsuji. Dick Smith. (2014) [online image] Available from: [Accessed: November 11th 2014]


Artamonov, A. (2014) Vacuum-Forming Techniques and Materials in Prosthetics and Orthotics. The Association of Children's Prosthetic Orthotic Clinics. [online[ Available from:Vacuum-Forming Techniques and Materials in Prosthetics and Orthotics [Accessed: December 10th 2014]



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Wiki (2014) Gelatin. [online] Available from: [Accessed: November 5th 2014]


Zimbio (2014) Many Faces - Actors who've worn prosthetic makeup. [online] Available from:'ve+Worn+Prosthetic+Makeup/articles/9H6Da-_3iY4/Ralph+Fiennes+Harry+Potter+Films [Accessed: November 5th 2014]



West World 2D CGI. 919730 [online image] Available from: [Accessed: October 26th 2014]



Bronze age stone mould. (2250-1900 AD) [online image] Available from: [Accessed: November 4th 2014] 



Drax the Destroyer. (2014) [online image] Available from: [Accessed: November 11th 2014]



Smith, G. X-Men Prosthetics. (2012) [online image] Available from: [Accessed: November 5th 2014]


Dana. P (2014) Do you use these 5 materials for making makeup prosthetics? [online] Available from: [Accessed: November 8th 2014]


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