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Evaluation of Project


I found the initial research for this project very simple, almost like an elimination process. I weighed up the pros and cons of choosing one portrait over another out of the ones I had selected, and eventually chose one which I felt allowed me to do a feasable amount of work within the time frame that we had. Had I been aware at the time that we were allowed to crop the image then it probably would have altered my decision making process, or even the portrait that I chose. I also didn't realise photoshopping the final image of our makeups into the portrait was an option, or I wouldn't have gone to the trouble of finding a costume maker to create a collar.


With hindsight, I also wish I'd done a lot of my research prior to the assesments. Some of the things I found out after my summative could've really informed my making process and my experimentation. However, because I was so keen to have workable pieces and finish everything in time for assesments, I neglected spending as much time on research. The article I read about silicone noses would have encouraged me to try other mould releases, which may have eased the process or produced a better prosthetic for my summative. I definitely regret not experimenting more, particularly with using gelatine for the brow pieces, or even trying it in a flatpiece mould. I think practising the 'painterly' effect, even on myself, could have helped me be more confident when painting my model and would have probably produced a better outcome.


I really enjoyed and am proud of my postiche work for this unit. Although confusing at first, once I understood the process of refronting a wig, it became one of my more enjoyable challenges of the unit, and I am very proud of my finished wig as it was neat, accurately styled and fitted my model. The moustache was very simple, although styling it took longer than expected and i learned how valuable patience is when dealing with hair. 


I also enjoyed presenting my work as a website much more than I thought I was going to. Although other people had problems with websites, fortunately, I had none, and I found the process much more efficient in terms of time saving and neatness. I was opposed the idea at first, but after learning how to use the system and understanding how to present my work effectively and neatly, I think I've got more work done than I would have doing a sketchbook. 


Although I didn't expect it to be easy, I didn't enjoy my first attempt at silicone prosthetics. As the process was new and confusing, I don't know why I expected to be good at it on the first attempt. However, I quickly learned where my mistakes were, remedied them, and began to understand and enjoy the process. I did however, appreciate the simplicity and effectiveness of bondo in comparison to the complexities of silicone. 


500 words








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