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Hands start to pulse and bulge, much like the effects of the polyjuice potion in Harry Potter.

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Then turn black to match the panther colour.

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The shoulders then start to broaden and split his shirt down the back.

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Nose and muzzle then start to develop

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Then darken and change more

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You can now see the nose and upper lip have become far more cat-like

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Very unrealistic fun-fur paws slowly push out claws which is the worst part of the transformation.

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Final shot of the face before it skips to the actual panther.

Duncan, J. and Cameron, J. (2006) The Winston Effect: The Art and History of Stand Winston Studio. 1st edn. Titan Books. Page 43

Manimal (1983)

Manimal is a short-lived TV series, the effects created by Stan Winston and his team, basically about a man who can transform into any animal of his choosing. I'm not overly fond of how the transformation comes accross on TV; you only see it from one angle on his face, its very static, not organic looking at all and it gets to a point where they clearly couldn't take the makeup any further so then it just goes to the image of the actual animal that hes transforming into which is a big, unrealistic leap. However, seeing the sketches and some of the prosthetics created for the show is really interesting. I love the seperate hawks heads, each a little more developed for the process, and the sketches of the man-to-cat transformation. I think doing sketches like this could be really helpful in realising the anatomy of man and animal and how they can work in conjunction. 

TheManimal98 (2010) Manimal (sequence hawk transformation) [online] Available from: [Accessed: January 11th 2015]

Imran Khan. (2014) Manimal - The Complete Series Ep1 Manimal [online] Available from: [Accessed: Januray 11th 2015]

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