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In this film:


"Genetic engineers Clive Nicoli and Elsa Kast hope to achieve fame by successfully splicing together the DNA of different animals to create new hybrid animals for medical use."   


IMDB (2009) Splice. [online] Available from: [Accessed: January 21st 2015]


The creature "Dren" in this film is actually genetically engineered from a mixture of human and animal DNA so I suppose an almost perfect example of a science experiment animal/human hybrid. Again, this film has a great transitional element to it, as the creature is born and you see it grow to full size as the scientists care for it. 


The youtube videos I researched divulged that (for adult and child Dren) 95% of what is seen on screen is real with some digital augmentation and 5% is complete CGI for a few action scenes. Howard Beger was responsible for the makeup, and as Delphine Chaneac (Dren) shaved her head for the role, it only took them 30 minutes every day; camoflaging, the scar, and small arm prosthetics. 


Manny dela Rosa (2010) The "Splice" Monster Speaks! My Fun Interview with Delphine Chanéac for "Splice" [online] Available from: [Accessed: January 21st 2015]

Splice (2009) [online image] Available from:  [Accessed: january 21st 2015]

moviemaniacsDE (2010) Splice | Featurette #4 about the visual effects (2010) [online] Available from: [Accessed: January 21st 2015]

Toddler Dren is CGI from the bridge of the nose upwards, the only part of her that really needed altering was the position of the eyes. There was still a large head prosthetic applied

This film is a reminder of how CGI and makeup can work subtley in conjunction and makes me question how or if I want to include the possibility of CGI into my design. Were there to be an idea that couldn't be carried out with makeup, I could instead consider it with CGI rather than forgetting about it as an idea or option. Or even the movement of a character, the way it expressives itself - like how Dren doesn't have human legs - could be done with CGI.


It has become apparant after more of my theoretical reading that his film encompasses many theories surrounding the concept of posthumanism. Many followers of this movement believed that DNA splicing is the way to improve the human race - make us smarter, stronger and live longer. These films always seem to end in disaster though. Much like in The Terminator, technology overpowers the humans and the repercussions of their experiments are catastrophic.

Splice. (2009) [online image] Available from: [Accessed: January 21st 2015]

Splice (2009) [online image]  Available from: [Accessed: January 21st 2015]

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