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Evan Campbell . Hair Punching Tutorial. (uknown) [online image] Available from: Accessed: January 28th 2015]

Hair Punching

As part of my textural experimentation with my animal skin graft pieces, I though I could do one hairy one which would be done by punching hair into a silicone flatpiece. 


My tutor showed me how to make a hairpunching needle using a rotary sanding machine and a sewing needle, sanding it at an angle to create the right lengths on either side. The longer the eye of the needle, the more effective the result will be. Unfortunately my needles were quite short and cheap, so I will need to buy some longer, stronger ones to re-sand before I use it and attatch it to a handle.


I haven't had any experience punching hair before, but I found this written tutorial by Evan Campbell (right) and watched two really helpful youtube tutorials, so now I will begin practising and experimenting for my skin graft flatpiece.

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Brick In The Yark Mold Supply (2013)Special Effects Tutorial: Hair Punching Tips [online] Available from: [Accessed: January 29th 2015]

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Lars Calsson (2011 )An introduction to hair punching by (Low res version) [online] Available from: [Accessed: January 29th 2015]


There are different sized needles for different amounts of hair

- Wrap the hair around your index finger on your left hand (assuming that you're right handed)

Can glue on larger sections of hair with a silicone sealant glue for areas that will  be covered or unseen. This method can also be used of brows or delicate facial hair

- Hair can also be fanned out and punched quickly with a crown needle (again, for less on-display areas)

- For beards use buffalo hair and human hair for everything else

- Can sketch the area to hair punch onto a piece with a white pencil liner.

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